Episil is dedicated to eliminating or reducing the natural environment damage caused by civilization products, so that human civilization can long live with the natural environment. By rectifying environmental management procedures and planning, five major projects including legal compliance, waste reduction, pollution prevention, energy conservation and resource recycling have been thoroughly implemented.

In 2022, NT$11,569,000 has been invested to replace outdated machinery and lighting fixtures, as well as the updating of equipment components. The overall benefits include a power saving of 1,719,000 kilowatt-hours and a carbon reduction of 875 metric tons CO2e. Details are as follows:

Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety Policy

Conduct internal audits and external verification annually to ensure the operation of the environmental management system in order to achieve continuous improvement goals.

We determine to:

  • 1. Strictly comply with applicable legal requirements and other requirements relevant to Environment and OH&S hazard prevention.
  • 2. Pay attention to Environment and OH&S issues, evaluate the risks, and take effective management measures and controls to the risk.
  • 3. Set up a framework for setting and reviewing Environment and OH&S objectives to enhance the Environment and OH&S performance.
  • 4. Establish a complete communication structure to actively communicate this documented, implemented and maintained Environment and OH&S policy to all persons working under EPISIL.
  • 5. Disclose the Environment and OH&S information timely to relevant interested parties and individuals.
  • 6. Endeavor to eliminate hazards and effectively reduce occupational safety and health risks.

Working Environment and Protection of Employee Safety

International Certification

NO Certificate Name View
1 ISO45001:2018
2 ISO14001:2015
3 ISO14064:2006