Experience & Present position
Experience & Present position
Experience & Present position
Experience & Present position
Experience & Present position
Experience & Present position
Experience & Present position
Experience & Present position
Experience & Present position
The Audit Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight of the quality and integrity of the accounting, auditing, reporting, and financial control practices of the Company. The Audit Committee is responsible to review the Company’s: financial reports; auditing and accounting policies and procedures; internal control systems; material asset or derivatives transactions; material lending funds, endorsements or guarantees; offering or issuance of any equity-type securities, and appointment or discharge of financial, accounting, or internal auditing officers.
Zhi-Da Yan |
Independent director /
Zong-Xi Ke | Independent director |
Mao-Song Deng | Independent director |
The Compensation Committee assists the Board in discharging its responsibilities related to Episil’s compensation and benefits policies, plans and programs, and in the evaluation and compensation of Episil’s directors of the Board and executives.
Zhi-Da Yan |
Independent director /
Zong-Xi Ke | Independent director |
Mao-Song Deng | Independent director |
The composition of the company's board of directors is based on the "Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles " and "Rules For Election of Directors" and considers the diversity of board members from multiple aspects. There are nine directors, three of them are independent directors, for the Company. one of whom is female, have professional backgrounds including management, science and engineering, and financial analysis..
The Company’s independent directors communicate with the internal audit manager through the audit committee or separately to discuss the company's audit-related works, audit reports, and the condition of discovering problems and tracking improvements. The audit manager and independent directors may also contact each other directly at any time as necessary.
The Company’s independent directors communicate with the CPA by the way of meetings, discussions, telephone calls or e-mails through the audit committee or separately to discuss the review results of the financial statements and related laws and regulations such as accounting, taxation, and securities management. The CPA and independent directors may also contact each other directly at any time as necessary.
The Company passed the “Regulations Governing the Board Performance Evaluation” in the November 2020 board meeting, which stipulates that an internal board meeting and functional committee be held every year, and that individual directors carry out a self-performance evaluation.